Edit Commands


Commands is a Project level entity. The user must have appropriate role and entity permission to edit a Command in the project. To open Command workspace double click on some of the existing Commands name shown on Commands page list view. There is also an option to open the Command in a new tab or new window by clicking the appropriate options from the right context menu, after selecting the Command in the list.

Once command workspace is opened, changes can be made in What, When, Where and Settings sections.

NOTE: Any time something is changed in the command’s workspace sections, Save button will automatically become active in the left navigation or right context menu.

Editing What section

In What section on the Command workspace, select the appropriate Command from the list view. On the right side of the page will be shown details or additional options for the selected built-in command. For more details on different Commands, please refer to Create Command article.

Editing When section

The When section is used to schedule the time of appearance of the command. Select either basic or recurrent schedule.

The main difference between the basic schedule for Campaign and Ticker, and basic schedule for Command, is that Command can have a schedule to execute it immediately. For more details on Schedule, please refer to the Schedules article.

For the Recurrent schedule click on the Recurrent button on the top next to the Basic button. Appropriate Recurrent Schedule Editor will be shown.

The schedule exception is used to define an exception to the starting and ending schedule. An exception can be added only in the frame of the starting and ending time.

An “Addition” is used to add extra time in a day. “Exclusion” is used to exclude a portion of the time. The “Remove” button is used to remove an addition or exclusion. The “Remove All” button is used to remove all exceptions.

Editing Where section

In where section of the Command workspace, using the navigation buttons, move the channels between Available Channels and Targeted Channels list view. The navigation buttons in the Where section are defined below.

>Add selected channelMove selected Channel from Available Channels list to Targeted Channels list
»Add all available channelsMove all Channels from Available Channels list to Targeted Channels list
<Remove selected channelMove selected Channel from Targeted Channels list to Available Channels list
«Remove all selected channelsMove all Channels from Targeted Channels list to Available Channels list

Save changes made to the Command by clicking Ctrl + S from the keyboard, from the navigation or context menu select Save.

Editing Settings section

Select the Settings button to open settings workspace and to change settings for the command.

Few subsections can be edited in settings workspace. In Command details, the name of the command can be changed. Also, the “Use trigger” option can be enabled or disabled for the command.

In Post Execution Actions subsection, different post-execution action can be selected for the command. Three options are available: Don’t do anything, Create a notification and Send an email to.

Command List view

To open Command list view, select Commands from the left navigation menu (after Project is selected).

In all Command list view, you can view when the Command was last edited as well as the user who edited the Command and other relevant information such as Status, Name, Start date and time and End date and time, Published On, Last edited by.